Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Shkoda Fabija
- 1.1. The car description
   # 1.2. Technical characteristics of cars
   1.3. Nameplate data
   1.4. Keys
   1.5. Doors
   1.6. A cowl
   1.7. A luggage carrier
   1.8. Adjustment of seats
   1.9. Increase in capacity of a luggage carrier
   1.10. Seat belts
   # 1.11. Pillows of safety of system Airbag
   1.12. Safety of children
   1.13. Car refuelling
   1.14. Fuel
   1.15. Controls
   1.16. A combination of devices
   1.17. The block of control lamps
   1.18. The gear change lever
   1.19. The lever of a lay brake
   1.20. Adjustment of a steering column
   1.21. The switch (lock) of ignition
   1.22. The podrulevoj switch
   1.23. Illumination of devices
   1.24. The proof-reader of headlights
   1.25. The central switch
   1.26. Прикуриватель
   1.27. An ashtray
   1.28. Ware boxes
   1.29. The alarm system
   1.30. Heating of forward seats
   1.31. Heating of back glass
   1.32. The switch антипробуксовочной systems (ASR)
   1.33. Ventilation and salon heating
   1.34. The conditioner
   1.35. Rear-view mirrors
   1.36. Стеклоподъемники with the electric drive
   1.37. Sun-protection peaks
   1.38. The hatch in a roof with the electric drive
   1.39. A sdvizhnaja roof with the electric drive
   1.40. Salon illumination
   1.41. A luggage carrier on a roof
   1.42. The Tjagovo-drawbar
   1.43. Обкатка the car
   1.44. Engine start-up
   1.45. An engine stop
   1.46. Start-up of the engine from an external source
   1.47. Start-up of the engine by towage
   1.48. Car towage
   1.49. A car raising
   # 1.50. Wheels and tyres
   1.51. Cleaners and washers of glasses
   1.52. The storage battery
   1.53. Care of the car
   1.54. The service book
# 2. The engine
# 3. Greasing system
# 4. The power supply system
# 5. Cooling system
# 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
# 7. Transmission and a running gear
# 8. A steering
# 9. Brake system
# 10. An electric equipment
# 11. A body
# 12. Electroschemes

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1.44. Engine start-up


1. Establish the gear change lever in neutral position.
2. Press against the stop a coupling pedal.
3. Include a starter, having turned a key in the ignition switch in position III (without pressing an accelerator pedal). Do not include a starter more than on 10 with. If the engine began to work steadily, release a key; under the influence of a returnable spring it will return to position II. If the engine hot, slightly press an accelerator pedal.
4. If the engine was not started up from the first attempt, switch off ignition, having turned a key in position I, and approximately through 30 with again include a starter.
5. If the engine was not started up after the second attempt, it is necessary to reveal malfunction (probably, has fused a safety lock of the fuel pump).
6. After engine start-up at once get under way from a place. Do not warm up the engine idling. It can overheat.
7. While the engine has not got warm to working temperature, do not suppose high frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine.


1. Establish the gear change lever in neutral position.
2. Press against the stop a coupling pedal.
3. At air temperature above #5 With include a starter, having turned a key in the ignition switch in position III (without pressing an accelerator pedal). Do not include a starter more than on 10 with. If the engine has earned steadily, release a key: under the influence of a returnable spring it will return to position II.
4. At air temperature more low #5 With turn a key in position II, candles накаливания thus join and the control lamp of inclusion of candles накаливания in a combination of devices lights up. After the control lamp will go out, include a starter.

The prevention

During warming up of candles накаливания (while the control lamp burns) do not include other consumers of energy not to discharge the storage battery.

5. If the engine was not started up from the first attempt, try to start up it once again as it is described above.
6. If the engine was not started up after the second attempt, it is necessary to reveal malfunction (probably, has fused the safety lock protecting a chain of candles накаливания).
7. The heated-up engine can be started up without preliminary warming up of candles накаливания.