Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Shkoda Fabija
# 1.1. The car description
- 2. The engine
   2.1. Removal of the top casing of the engine
   # 2.2. Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ of a step of compression
   2.3. Replacement of a belt of a drive of the generator
   # 2.4. Replacement and adjustment of a tension of a belt of a drive of a camshaft
   2.5. Replacement of a chain of a drive of a camshaft
   2.6. Selection of a distributive gear wheel of a cranked shaft
   2.7. Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders
   2.8. Replacement of an epiploon of a camshaft
   2.9. Replacement маслосъемных caps
   2.10. Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft
   2.11. A back epiploon of a cranked shaft
   # 2.12. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
   # 2.13. Engine repair
# 3. Greasing system
# 4. The power supply system
# 5. Cooling system
# 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
# 7. Transmission and a running gear
# 8. A steering
# 9. Brake system
# 10. An electric equipment
# 11. A body
# 12. Electroschemes

2.7. Replacement of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders

Head of the block of cylinders of the engine of 1,9 l, 74 kw

1 – a cover of a head of the block;
2 – the ventilation valve картера;
3 – a ventilation hose картера;
4 – a stopper маслоналивной mouths;
5 – a sealing ring;
6 – a bolt of fastening of a cover;
7 – a cover lining;
8 – a bolt of fastening of an arm;
9 – an arm;
10 – connecting колодка a plait of atomizers;
11 – a fastening bolt колодки;
12 – a vacuum hose of the amplifier of brakes;
13 – the vacuum pump;
14 – a bolt of fastening of the pump;
15 – a hose of a supply of fuel;
16 – a hose fuel plum;
17 – a lining;
18 – an arm bolt;
19 – a bolt with a spherical head;
20 – an arm;
21 – an eye;
22 – the holder of a hose;
23 – a lining of a head of the block;
24 – a bolt of fastening of an eye;
25 – a head of the block of cylinders;
26 – a candle накаливания;
27 – the pump-atomizer;
28 – a bolt of fastening of a head of the block

Marks of a lining of a head of the block of cylinders of the diesel engine

1 – detail number;

2 – a code;

3 – the characteristic (thickness) of a lining

Heater hoses

1 – a heater branch pipe;

2 – a hose plum of a liquid from a heater;

3 – a hose of a supply of a liquid to a heater;

4 – a tee;

5 – the vacuum pump;

6 – a hose of the vacuum pump

Турбокомпрессор (bottom view)

1 – a hose of a back air line;
2 – a hose of the bottom air line;
3 – a fastening bolt турбокомпрессора;
4 – an arm турбокомпрессора;
5 – a bolt of fastening of an arm;
6 – a hose plum of oil from турбокомпрессора;
7 – a vacuum hose of a regulator of pressure of pressurisation

Lining replacement is shown on the diesel engine, on other engines replacement is spent similarly.
The prevention

For diesel engines in spare parts linings of three standard sizes, different are delivered in the thickness. At replacement it is necessary to establish a new lining with the same marks, as on the old.

At each removal of a head of the block at all engines, except engines of 1,0 l, 37 kw and 1,4л, 50 kw, it is necessary to replace bolts of fastening of a head of the block with the new.

At engines of 1,0 l, 37 kw and 1,4л, 50 kw before заворачиванием bolts of fastening of a head of the block it is necessary to grease their carving with a thin layer of engine oil.

1. Disconnect a wire from the plug - the storage battery.
2. Merge a liquid from system of cooling of the engine (subsection 5.13 see).
3. Remove the top casing of the engine (subsection 2.1 see).
4. Remove the air filter together with an air line (subsection 4.1 see).
5. Remove the storage battery and its arm (subsection 10.2 see).
6. Turn away bolts of fastening and remove a back air line (from the air filter to турбокомпрессору).
7. Disconnect колодку with wires of candles накаливания from a plait of wires.
8. Disconnect a reception pipe of the muffler from a final collector (subsection 6.2 and subsection 6.3 see).
9. Disconnect hoses 1 and 2 from турбокомпрессора, preliminary having turned away a bolt of fastening of the bottom air line to an arm (fig. of Turbokompressor (the bottom view) see).
10. Turn on накидную a nut and disconnect a drain hose 6 from the block of cylinders.
11. Turn away a bolt 3, ослабьте an inhaling of a bolt 5 and turn an arm 4 downwards.
12. Disconnect a vacuum hose 7 from a regulator of pressure of pressurisation.
13. Turn away bolts of fastening and, without disconnecting from it hoses, remove the case throttle заслонки from an inlet pipe of the engine. Postpone the case throttle заслонки aside.
14. Turn away bolts 6 (fig. the Head of the block of cylinders of the engine of 1,9 l, 74 kw) fastenings see and uncover 1 heads of the block and a lining 7.
15. Disconnect a hose 16 from the fuel filter and muffle it that fuel did not follow from it.
16. Disconnect hoses of giving 1 and plum 4 fuels from fuel tubes and a hose 5 supplies of a cooling liquid (2 – connecting колодка a plait of atomizers; 3 – the gauge of temperature of fuel).
17. Disconnect колодку with wires from the gauge of 3 temperatures of fuel.
18. Disconnect колодку with wires from колодки 10 (fig. the Head of the block of cylinders of the engine of 1,9 l, 74 kw see) plait of atomizers.
19. Disconnect and lift the receiver an oil supply to турбокомпрессору.
20. Disconnect hoses 1, 2 and 3 systems of cooling of the engine (4 – the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid).
21. Disconnect колодку with wires from the gauge of 4 temperatures of a cooling liquid.
22. Disconnect a hose 3 from a tee 4 (fig. heater Hoses see).
23. Disconnect a hose 6 from the pump 5.
24. Remove a belt of a drive of a camshaft (subsection 2.4.1 see). Turn a cranked shaft back from position ВМТ a little.
25. Remove a pulley and a nave of a pulley of a camshaft (subsection 2.8 see).
26. Remove the water pump (subsection 5.5 and subsection 5.6 see).
27. Remove the gauge of position of a camshaft (subsection 4.24 see).
28. Remove a back cover of a belt of a drive of a camshaft.
29. Screw a bolt in an aperture of fastening of a support of the power unit that it was possible to hang out the engine.
30. Turn away bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders on 2–3 turns in the sequence shown in drawing, and then turn out them.
31. Remove a head of the block of cylinders. If the head does not manage to be torn off from the block, it is possible to shift its not strong blows of a rubber hammer.
32. Remove a lining of a head of the block.
33. Carefully clear привалочные surfaces of the block and a head of the rests of an old lining, a dirt and oil.
34. Remove oil from carving apertures in the block of cylinders under bolts of fastening of a head.
35. Turn a cranked shaft so that all pistons were in the middle of cylinders.
36. Establish a new lining on directing pins 1 so that detail number on a lining was from above. If pins have dropped out, it is necessary to insert new (2 – the block of cylinders).
37. Establish a head of the block and manually wrap bolts of its fastening.
38. Tighten bolts of fastening of a head in sequence specified on drawing more low, in four stages:
      – 1st – the moment 40 Нм;
      – 2nd – the moment 60 Нм;
      – 3rd – tighten on 90 ;
      – 4th – tighten for 90 .
39. After installation of a pulley of a camshaft turn a shaft so that cams of the first cylinder have been directed upwards (from pushers of valves).
40. Establish all removed details upside-down.

Order of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders

The inhaling moments, Нм

Bolt of fastening of a cover of a head of the block
Bolt of fastening of the vacuum pump
Candle накаливания