Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Shkoda Fabija
- 1.1. The car description
   # 1.2. Technical characteristics of cars
   1.3. Nameplate data
   1.4. Keys
   1.5. Doors
   1.6. A cowl
   1.7. A luggage carrier
   1.8. Adjustment of seats
   1.9. Increase in capacity of a luggage carrier
   1.10. Seat belts
   # 1.11. Pillows of safety of system Airbag
   1.12. Safety of children
   1.13. Car refuelling
   1.14. Fuel
   1.15. Controls
   1.16. A combination of devices
   1.17. The block of control lamps
   1.18. The gear change lever
   1.19. The lever of a lay brake
   1.20. Adjustment of a steering column
   1.21. The switch (lock) of ignition
   1.22. The podrulevoj switch
   1.23. Illumination of devices
   1.24. The proof-reader of headlights
   1.25. The central switch
   1.26. Прикуриватель
   1.27. An ashtray
   1.28. Ware boxes
   1.29. The alarm system
   1.30. Heating of forward seats
   1.31. Heating of back glass
   1.32. The switch антипробуксовочной systems (ASR)
   1.33. Ventilation and salon heating
   1.34. The conditioner
   1.35. Rear-view mirrors
   1.36. Стеклоподъемники with the electric drive
   1.37. Sun-protection peaks
   1.38. The hatch in a roof with the electric drive
   1.39. A sdvizhnaja roof with the electric drive
   1.40. Salon illumination
   1.41. A luggage carrier on a roof
   1.42. The Tjagovo-drawbar
   1.43. Обкатка the car
   1.44. Engine start-up
   1.45. An engine stop
   1.46. Start-up of the engine from an external source
   1.47. Start-up of the engine by towage
   1.48. Car towage
   1.49. A car raising
   # 1.50. Wheels and tyres
   1.51. Cleaners and washers of glasses
   1.52. The storage battery
   1.53. Care of the car
   1.54. The service book
# 2. The engine
# 3. Greasing system
# 4. The power supply system
# 5. Cooling system
# 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
# 7. Transmission and a running gear
# 8. A steering
# 9. Brake system
# 10. An electric equipment
# 11. A body
# 12. Electroschemes


1.10. Seat belts

Seat belts – an effective remedy of protection of the driver and passengers from serious traumas at road and transport incidents.

Forward and back lateral seat belts inertial, and a belt of the average passenger on a back seat not the inertial. Forward belts are equipped by devices of a preliminary tension of belts at strong front blow. In other cases the device does not work.

The prevention

Warranty period of the device of a preliminary tension of belts of 15 years. After this term it is necessary to replace seat belts.

The device of a preliminary tension of belts works only once. After that it is necessary to replace seat belts.

Regularly check a condition of belts. If on belts attritions are found out, anguishes or other damages, necessarily replace belts. If belts have become soiled, wash out their weak soap solution. At all do not iron belts an iron.
The prevention

Replace belts only in specialised workshops.

Do not fasten a belt of the child sitting in a lap of the back passenger.

Necessarily replace belts, подвергшиеся to critical loading as a result of road and transport incident.

1. To fasten a belt, smoothly extend it and insert a uvula into the lock 1 before click. Thus watch, that the belt was not overwound. The top branch should pass 2 belts approximately through the shoulder middle (at all through a neck), and bottom 3 – densely to fit a coxofemoral part of a body.
2. For adjustment of the top branch of a forward belt on height press the top fastening 1 and move it in the necessary direction (upwards or downwards). Then jerky check up fixing in the necessary position of the top fastening of a belt (2 – an average rack of a body; 3 – a seat belt).
3. To unfasten a belt, press the lock button. The uvula under the influence of a spring will be liberated from the lock.
4. To unbutton a belt of the back average passenger, press the button of 1 lock 3 and take out a uvula 2.
5. As not inertial, it it is necessary to adjust a belt of the back average passenger. Correctly adjusted belt should adjoin to the passenger densely. To extend a belt, turn its buckle to 1 perpendicularly belt and pull for the long end 2.
6. To truncate a belt, pull a belt for the free end 1. After adjustment insert the free end of a belt into a plastic loop 2 (3 – the lock).

The prevention

With a view of safety the belt of the back average passenger which do not use, should be clasped.

Being fastened by a belt, pay attention, that under it firm or fighting subjects in clothes pockets have not got – they can become the trauma reason.