Skoda Fabia

Since 2000 of release

Shkoda Fabija
# 1.1. The car description
# 2. The engine
# 3. Greasing system
# 4. The power supply system
# 5. Cooling system
# 6. System of release of the fulfilled gases
# 7. Transmission and a running gear
# 8. A steering
- 9. Brake system
   # 9.1. Pedal knot
   9.2. The vacuum amplifier
   9.3. The main brake cylinder
   9.4. A pressure regulator (on models without ABS)
   # 9.5. The brake mechanism of a forward wheel of type FS III
   # 9.6. The brake mechanism of a forward wheel of type FS II
   # 9.7. The brake mechanism of a back wheel (drum-type)
   # 9.8. The brake mechanism of a back wheel (disk)
   # 9.9. A lay brake
   - 9.10. Antiblocking system (ABS)
      9.10.1. Check of electroconducting ABS
      9.10.2. Removal and installation of the block of management
      9.10.3. Replacement of the block of management
      9.10.4. Replacement of a wire of the gauge of frequency of rotation of a wheel
      9.10.5. Replacement of the gauge of frequency of rotation of a wheel
      9.10.6. Replacement of touch rings of gauges of frequency of rotation of wheels
      9.10.7. Removal and installation of the switch of a signal of braking
# 10. An electric equipment
# 11. A body
# 12. Electroschemes

9.10.2. Removal and installation of the block of management

Installation of the block of management ABS
1 – the management block;
2 – a brake tube to the left forward brake mechanism;
3 – a brake tube to the right forward brake mechanism;
4, 5 – brake tubes from the main cylinder;
6 – a brake tube to left back
To the brake mechanism;
7 – a brake tube to the right back brake mechanism;
8, 9, 10 – holders of brake tubes;
11 – the vacuum amplifier;
12 – the main cylinder;
13 – a tank of the main cylinder;
14 – nuts;
15 – an arm;
16 – a bolt;
17 – an arm of the block of management;
18 – a special nut

Detachment колодки from the block of management ABS

1 – the management block;

2 – a clamp колодки;

3 – connecting колодка the block

The block of management ABS with arms

1 – an arm;

2 – pillows;

3 – pins;

4 – a block arm;

5 – a bolt;

6 – the management block

The prevention

In spare parts deliver not coded blocks of management. After installation the new block is necessary for coding by means of the special equipment, therefore it is recommended to replace the management block with servicing deports.

New blocks of management are filled by a brake liquid, therefore do not take out in advance transport заглушки from apertures under brake tubes. Otherwise from the management block the brake liquid will flow out and the brake system after block installation cannot be pumped over.

1. Disconnect a wire from the plug - the storage battery.
2. Remove the top casing of the engine (subsection 2.1 see).
3. On models with the diesel engine of 1,9 l, 74 kw remove an air line воздухонаддува and a hose between an inlet pipe of the engine and the top air line.
4. Turn away the valve of release of air of a forward left wheel and as soon as the brake liquid will start to follow from it, close the valve.
5. Enclose under the block 1 (fig. Installation of the block of management ABS see) rag managements that the brake liquid has not got on a car detail.
6. Put forward a clamp 2 (fig. the Detachment колодки from the block of management ABS) колодки see and, having pulled upwards, disconnect колодку 3 from the block of 1 management.
7. Close contacts of the block of management that on them the brake liquid has not got.
8. Take out brake tubes from holders.
9. Turn on накидные nuts and disconnect brake tubes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 (fig. Installation of the block of management ABS see) from the block of 1 management. Muffle apertures of brake tubes and the management block.
10. Turn away a nut of 14 and 18 fastenings of arms and remove the management block in gathering with arms 15 and 17 from hairpins.
11. Remove an arm 1 (fig. the Block of management ABS with arms see), having taken out pins 3 arms 4 of pillows 2.
12. Turn away two bolts 16 (fig. Installation of the block of management ABS) fastenings see and remove the block of 1 management from an arm 17.
13. Establish the management block upside-down.
14. Definitively tighten nuts of 14 and 18 fastenings of arms of the block to a body only after connection of brake tubes. Everyone transport заглушку should be taken out only connection to the block of a corresponding tube.
15. After installation code the block of management and pump over brake system.

The inhaling moments, Нм

Bolts of fastening of the block of management to an arm 8
Nuts of fastening of arms of the block of management on a body
Nakidnye nuts of brake tubes